
Subdermal fillers: An interview with dermatology professional Dr. Irina POLEVA


Subdermal fillers: An interview with dermatology professional Dr. Irina POLEVA

An enlightening conversation with Dr. Irina POLEVA regarding subdermal fillers and their uses.

Dr. Irina POLEVA is a dermatologist and expert in aesthetic medicine who lives and practices in Rome, Italy. She has kindly agreed to speak to us about her present activities as a certified dermatology practitioner and share her perspective, as well as the latest news, on subdermal filler products and techniques.  She herself regularly uses peelings, thread lifting and subdermal fillers, so she is an ideal professional to interview.

From the very beginning of the conversation with Dr. POLEVA, a calm person emerges, and one who knows her subject in depth. Dr. POLEVA has been practicing dermatology, venereology, dermatological surgery and laser therapy for almost 2 decades now.

Dr. POLEVA is also a much sought-after lecturer at international cosmetic surgery congresses. Dr. POLEVA provides us with insightful answers to the questions below regarding the dermatology sector and how to make the best use of subdermal fillers.

Q: When did you discover subdermal fillers and ALGENESS fillers in particular?

I was aware of subdermal injectable fillers from early on in my career, but I discovered ALGENESS products 3 years ago at an international dermatology congress. I have since integrated their range of 4 products into the types of treatments I advocate.  I also use other brands of injectables, but obviously each injectable product has its own strongpoints. Regarding the 4 ALGENESS products; each of them has a specific purpose. This makes the use of these products more interesting because it is possible to satisfy very specific needs of each patient.

Q: What do you think are the main strengths of the ALGENESS products? Why have you decided to use ALGENESS products rather than other fillers?

Well, it is quite simple: I would say that the 3 main characteristics that encourage me to use ALGENESS products are as follows: Firstly, they are 100% natural, since they are derived from algae. Secondly, they are hydrophilic, which greatly inhibits any potential swelling. Finally, they provide patients with a volumizing effect that is extremely satisfying and easy to obtain when ALGENESS products are injected properly. What’s more, the injectables have a very low migration rate once under the skin, which makes the result stable in time.

Although they are not the only type of injectables I use for my patients, ALGENESS products truly stand out for these reasons. They can bring definite benefits, but they must be injected by knowledgeable and trained professionals in order to produce optimal results. As a matter of fact, I have become so comfortable with ALGENESS products, that they make up as much as 90 percent of the total volume of injectables I use in my practice. I use the other types of injectables mostly to add volume to lips.

Q: What do your patients feel are the main benefits of using ALGENESS products around the eyes? 

My patients generally come to me for thread lifting treatments first, and then once the thread process is complete, I suggest ALGENESS subdermal fillers as an additional part of their treatment. They try it and are almost invariably delighted with the results.

Beyond the immediate results they can see upon leaving my practice, the main factor that impresses them after trying ALGENESS subdermal fillers is the fact that they are derived from algae and are 100% natural. This fact is crucial to them. It encourages them to continue using ALGENESS products over other products after their first injection.

The second aspect of ALGENESS injectables that they appreciate is the lasting effects of the products over time. They also note that there is a very high stability in the corrections I create.

Q: Which features of ALGENESS products would you put forward if you had to recommend the products to other professionals? How do you foresee the use of ALGENESS products in the future?

Algeness is not widely known yet, but I am optimistic considering undouble advantages of this product. I think that in the near future more dermatologists  and other aesthetic practitioners will discover and be encouraged to use this product.

Unequivocally, I think that ALGENESS injectables will be very successful; They are high-performance products, and what is more, they are totally natural which appeals to both the professional and the patient, as I said. In addition, the results are visible immediately, with a very limited risk of swelling in the post-injection period. In the hands of a skilled professional, patients see for themselves that the volumizing effects are very predictable and with ALGENESS, it is possible to consistently show tangible results to our patients. 

As demonstrated by Dr. POLEVA, ALGENESS products have proven to be of invaluable assistance to dermatology professionals due to their uniqueness. Knowledgeable, certified professionals are gradually realizing the benefits that these subdermal fillers can bring to the patient, while understanding that they are safely absorbed over time by the body’s natural mechanisms.

ALGENESS subdermal fillers deliver exact results due to their intrinsic composition and high subdermal stability. In the years to come, a growing number of practitioners will use these products. Already, patients such as Dr. POLEVA’s, are observing the highly effective benefits that ALGENESS subdermal fillers bring to their appearance. Should you need further information regarding ALGENESS products, please contact our team at https://www.algeness.com/contact-us-for-more-information.html

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